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ST2 40-2 (Gestalt)

ST2 40-2 (Gestalt)

Regular price €55,00 EUR
Regular price €30,00 EUR Sale price €55,00 EUR
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Gestalt came to me as an explanation for many visual questions, and I wanted to use it in my pieces to see how I could enhance my artistic discourse. This piece was one of the results I was considering at that time.

"Your mind is working right now without you realizing it. You look at this work and you see rhythm, structure, even movement. But here there are no moving lines, no real depth, and no established hierarchy. What you see is what you are putting in."

"This is not a visual trick, it is a dialogue with your perception. It is as if the work gives you fragments of information and forces you to finish building it in your head. In a certain sense, there is no unique piece: there are as many versions as there are viewers.

Each one fills the void in their own way."

"Why does your eye connect some lines and not others? Why do you feel like there are directions or groupings when in fact there are just separate strokes?

That's where Gestalt comes in. The key is not theory, but experience: how does it feel to realize that what you see is an illusion created by your own brain?"

Please pay atention to availables sizes

  • Ready to hang
  • Customizable size and frame
  • From you order to you receive it, it usually takes 5-10 weekdays.

Enjoy It. 

Gé D' Zeta
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